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Things Ian Says

JWT Parsing with Javascript

The previous two articles, showed how to create a login page using AWS Cognito, and how to break down the Json Web Token it produces. This article follows on from both of these, and shows how we can programmatically parse the JWT using Javascript.

Parsing the JWT with Javascript

I want to be able to validate the JWT and get its content in a variety of ways (for example, in server side code, and in an AWS Lambda). I am therefore going to use Javascript as my programming language. In this example, we will need to make http requests. I will use the axios package for this. To manipulate JWTs, we will use the jsonwebtoken package. Finally, we need to convert between different certificate standards, and I will use the jwk-to-pem package for these conversions. So, we start off our code by including all these modules:

// Libraries we need
const axios = require("axios");
const jwkToPem = require("jwk-to-pem");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");

Next, since we are working with AWS, we need to set up some variables in order to access resources. These are the region, the poolId (from our cognito user pool), and the URL for the issuer of our JWT (again you can see this in the previous article):

// User pool information
const region = "us-east-1";
const poolId = "us-east-1_MsHScNijB";
const issuer = "https://cognito-idp." + region + "" + poolId;

In order to verify the JWT we receive, we need to specify the hashing algorithm (just like we did earlier in the online JWT debugger), and also specify the issuer we are expecting (from the variable we’ve just defined):

// When verifying, we expect to use RS256, and that our issuer is correct
const verificationOptions = {
    algorithms: ["RS256"],

Eventually, we will pass our JWT in as a parameter, but for now we will just set it in a variable (truncated in this example):

// Get our token
const token = "eyJraWQiOi...";

To validate the JWT we received, we run through a number of steps:

  • Get the public keys for our user pool
  • Find the specific key used for this JWT
  • Verify the token (does the signature match, and is the issuer correct)
  • Check that the token is of the correct type (we want an access token)

If we pass all the above steps, we know our JWT is good, and we can let the user do something. If we wished to, we could add additional checks to provide finer-grained access, but that can wait for another day.

The Javascript code to achieve this, is structured using promises. This gives us readable code, which mirrors the above list:

// The validation process
function validate(token, doSomething) {

    getKeys(region, poolId)

For the purposes of this example, our do something is just printing out the result. We also handle errors by just printing out the error message:

const doSomething =;

// Error handling
function handleError(err) {

So, we now have the structure of our validator. We will define these functions as we progress through this article, but first a brief interlude.

Retrieving the Public Keys

As just mentioned, the public keys we need are available from our issuer URL. The path we need in the URL is /.well-known/jwks.json. So, we just construct the appropriate URL and use axios to retrieve the content. Because we are chaining promises together, the keys we get back from axios need to be wrapped in a new promise (ready for the next step to .then() the result):

// Get our keys
function getKeys(region, poolId) {

    let jwksUrl = issuer + "/.well-known/jwks.json";
    return axios.get(jwksUrl).then(response => Promise.resolve(;

This returns an array of keys associated with our Cognito user pool:

[ { alg: 'RS256',
    e: 'AQAB',
    kid: 'cOC7t2DqhGQ6nW0C6PLUJmFjbJxKdfvTYDaNtrXKVvw=',
    kty: 'RSA',
    n: 'onEegrGePE6RXVwyr4QE...',
    use: 'sig' },
  { alg: 'RS256',
    e: 'AQAB',
    kid: 'oasMMVu5r1YbNMG+sI0/LgSTTG283WYO0vSQjl6gMVs=',
    kty: 'RSA',
    n: 'kOVH_KT2QChe6pKxPHMF...',
    use: 'sig' } ]

One of the challenges with working with keys and certificates, is that there are multiple file formats for storing them. The JWT validation library we are using wants the keys in a format known as PEM. So, we are going to take each of the keys in the array, and convert them to PEM format. If you think back to when we used the debugger to look at our JWT, you will recall that there was a kid value in the JWT header. These are the kid fields in the above array of keys. So, at the same time as we convert to PEM format, we will also convert the structure from an array to an object, indexed on the kid. We can use Javascript’s reduce() function to achieve this:

// Index keys by "kid", and convert to PEM
function indexKeys(keyList) {

    let result = keyList.reduce((keys, jwk) => {
        keys[jwk.kid] = jwkToPem(jwk);
        return keys;
    }, {});

    return Promise.resolve(result);

This gives us an object of this format:

        '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
         -----END PUBLIC KEY-----',
        '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
         -----END PUBLIC KEY-----'

Verify Access from the JWT

Now we’ve prepped for verification, we can move on to the actual verification step itself. The first thing we need to do, is identify the specific PEM used in the token. If you recall, this is in the JWT header, so we simply decode the JWT and look for the kid field in the header. If we think back to how we’ve constructed this as a chain of promises, the parameter for this function needs to be the list of PEMs from the previous step. We also want to pass in our JWT (so we can get the kid), so we need to use a curried function to achieve this.

What we pass back from the function is the specific PEM we’ve found (wrapped in a promise):

// Now we need to decode our token, to find the verification key
function findVerificationKey(token) {

    return (pemList) => {
        let decoded = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true});
        return Promise.resolve(pemList[decoded.header.kid]);

This gives us something like:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Now we’ve got our PEM, we can validate the token. This will check the signature, the timestamp, and the issuer:

// Verify our token
function verifyToken(token) {

    return (pem) => {
        let verified = jwt.verify(token, pem, verificationOptions);
        return Promise.resolve(verified);

This function then passes out the payload from the JWT, and we know that if we get here, it has been verified:

    sub: 'f283baed-e6e8-4723-ac0f-69443f8cf08c',
    event_id: 'c0b91359-6688-11e8-be39-ed012137f487',
    token_use: 'access',
    scope: 'openid',
    auth_time: 1527959817,
    iss: '',
    exp: 1527963417,
    iat: 1527959817,
    version: 2,
    jti: '7e0aca62-0d7b-483a-ac23-2d597cb1349d',
    client_id: '4ep3ec3eat8jq0qeb1bf2ftt7v',
    username: 'ian'

If we want additional validation, we can apply that ourselves. Here we are checking that we have been given an access token, but if we had other properties in here, we could check them similarly:

// Check that we are using the token to establish access
function checkTokenUse(verifiedToken) {

    if (verifiedToken.token_use === "access") {
        return Promise.resolve(verifiedToken);

    throw new Error("Expected access token, got: " + verifiedToken.token_use);

That’s all the pieces in place, and we can just invoke our top-level function:

// Run it!
validate(token, doSomething);

To make this useful externally, we need to export our validate() function, instead of calling it (so we can require it when we want to use it).

// Make validation available externally
module.exports = validate;

If you want to take a look at the code discussed here, it’s in my Github repo:


The next article will demonstrate how we can combine the Cognito User Pool login with this validation code, in a NodeJS API server.