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Introduction to Json Web Tokens

In my previous article, I showed how to create a login page using AWS Cognito. At the end of that article, we landed on our desired web page, but with an access token appended to the URL. This article follows on from that stage, looking at the structure of the URL, and the Json Web Token (JWT) contained within it.

Introduction to JWT

What I’m going to start by doing, is using an online JWT debugger to examine the JWT we got at the end of the previous article. In case you want to follow along, I am including the full JWT so you can cut and paste it into the debugger. Apologies for the inclusion of such a dense block of text.

Here is the full URL, from the previous article:

Now we are going to take a token out of this full URL. This URL actually contains two Json Web Tokens (or JWTs), an id token (starting from id_token=), and an access token (starting from access_token=). I am interested in the access token, which if I remove it from the full URL, looks like this:


A JWT is made up of three parts — the header, the payload, and the signature. Each of these is a base64-encoded string, separated by a dot. You can see this structure in the above example.

The header contains information about the JWT, such as the hashing algorithm used, keys to use, etc. The payload is the information we are actually interested in (who is the user, what they can do, etc). The signature is the part which allows us to check that the message hasn’t been tampered with in transit.

To see this in action, we can use a JWT tool, such as the debugger. If we paste the above above JWT into the debugger, we get a page like this:

JWT Parser

On the left hand side, you can see the JWT we pasted in, which has been colour-coded to indicate the three parts of it. On the right hand side, you can see each of the three elements decoded into their own boxes. At the bottom, you can see a big red piece of text saying Invalid Signature. We will come back to this later in the article.

Let’s take a look at the header:

JWT Header

Here you can see the hashing algorithm (RSA 256) and also the kid, which is the key identifier. The kid allows us to choose a specific key, when there are several available. We will see this later, once we get into writing some code.

Now onto the payload itself:

JWT Payload

If you refer back to the previous article, you should be able to understand where many of these fields come from. The iss is the URL for the identity provider (i.e. the base URL we used for the login). The client id is the id for our application, which was created when we created the application in the user pool. The username is the user I set up in the user pool, then logged in with. The token use tells us this is the access token. Then there are various timestamps, and some other information. We will use these elements later, as part of our validation process.

Finally, let’s look at the signature:

JWT Signature

This is not actually useful for us, since our validation has failed, but it shows us how the signature works. It takes the base64-encoded header and payload, concatenates them (with a dot separator), then applies an RSA 256 hash using a public key. If this matches the signature from the JWT, we know that the JWT hasn’t been tampered with.

As we saw earlier, we can’t validate this message (because we don’t have the public key), so we get a warning:

Invalid Signature

If you paste in the appropriate public key, you will get a success message:

Verified Signature

I won’t discuss how to do this here, but if you understand the following article, you should be able to work out what you need to paste into the signature box to get this verification message.

But before we go any further, it’s worth giving a brief description of how signatures work. If you already know this, feel free to skip this section.

Public Key Signatures

The signature for a JWT, is similar in intent to signing a letter — it lets the person reading it confirm the identity of the sender. It also has an additional purpose in a JWT — it confirms that nobody has tampered with the contents. You can see why this is important for a JWT. I want to confirm that the user logged in via one of my approved identity services, and I want to confirm that nobody has intercepted it, and modified it to give themselves permissions they shouldn’t have. To make this workable in practice, we use something called public/private key signing.

Digital signatures typically use some sort of hashing. They take the message, add onto it a key (think of it like a password), and then apply a mathematical operation. This gives a result (a number or a string), which is the signature. When the message is sent, both the message and the signature are transmitted — in JWT terminology, that is the payload and the signature. We can then apply a mathematical operation to the message to generate the signature for ourselves. If the signature we generate matches the signature we received with the message, then we can have confidence that the message was sent by the person claiming to send it, and that it hasn’t been tampered with.

The only problem with this approach (as I’ve described it) is that we need the password to generate the signature. And obviously, the password is meant to be a secret. This is where the public/private key comes in. There are mathematical operations which can be applied using one key, then validated using a second key. This allows someone to keep their key secret (i.e. it is a private key) so they can continue using it to sign things, but they can publish the second key (the public key) so that anyone can verify their signature.

This is all good, but there is one final problem to solve — how do we know that we have the correct public key? If an adversary can give us a fake public key (that matches their own private key), then they can still send us messages that have been tampered with. So, to make this all work, we also need a way of being sure that the public keys are authentic.

So, to summarise, we have four parts we need to worry about:

  • The mathematical algorithm used (e.g. RSA256)
  • The private key — only the originator of the token should know this
  • The public key — this should be available to anyone who wants to verify the token
  • Authenticity of the public key — we need a way of knowing we are getting a valid public key

In our example, these are handled as follows:

  • The algorithm is specified in the JWT header
  • The private key is somewhere within the internals of our AWS Cognito service
  • The public key is available using an http request — we will see this in the next section
  • We know that we have a valid public key, because we GET it from a sub-directory of our AWS Cognito identity provider


That concludes a very brief overview of JWTs. The next article will get back to practial concerns, and will look at how we can use Javascript to parse the JWT.