Things Ian Says
Here are all the items relating to s3 (page 1 of 1)
A CD Pipeline in Amazon Web Services
Friday, 1 September 2017

In a previous article, I described serving a website from an S3 bucket, with CloudFront allowing us to apply SSL. This article looks at the other side of the process — how we populate the S3 bucket in the first place. I would typically use Jenkins to set up a build and deploy pipeline for this, but here I look at using the build tools AWS provides.
Secure hosting using SSL and AWS CloudFront
Tuesday, 15 August 2017

In a previous article, I looked at how we can use Let’s Encrypt to automatically create and manage SSL certificates for us. This article follows on in a similar vein, and shows how Amazon Web Services (AWS) also let us create free SSL certificates. This is an example with a static site hosted in an AWS S3 bucket, but can also be applied to any AWS website hosting mechanism (e.g. EC2 instances).