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Things Ian Says

Hosting a Website with Netlify and Github

With the ongoing situation of working remotely due to COVID-19, I needed an easy way to work collaboratively on a messaging diagram. Having tried some of the more general tools (virtual whiteboards, screen sharing Visio, etc) and having limited success — have you ever tried to edit a diagram in Visio with 3 or 4 people all making “helpful” comments — I started looking around for something more practical. Having found a Javascript-based solution which I thought could do the trick, I needed to find somewhere to host it. I’d seen a lot of people talking about Netlify, so I decided to give it a try. Here is my experience, which I hope will be helpful to anyone who also wants to use Netlify to host their website.

The Problem

I had been on a few calls during the week, where we needed to work out the necessary messaging between components in the application we were developing. We are all used to using UML-style sequence diagrams, so were using shared whiteboard applications or Visio to draw them out as we were talking. The problem was that the drawing process became a barrier to the discussion.

I thought that there must be a simpler way of doing this, and came across Andrew Brampton’s js-sequence-diagrams, which allows you to use a text-based notation:

Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Note right of Bob: Bob thinks
Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!

Then you supply this as input to a Javascript application and it generates an SVG file like this:

Example Sequence Diagram

So, if I could wrap this up in a simple web page, I thought it would give an easy way for our team to work on sequence diagrams.

The Application

Most of what I needed already existed in the Javascript module, so all I needed to do was wrap this in a web page with a text area where someone can edit the text notation for the diagram. Given the simplicity of what I wanted to build, I didn’t use a framework and just created a simple web page.

There were a bunch of dependencies I needed to include in my web page, plus I added my own CSS style file:

<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <title>Messaging Diagram</title>

        <script src="webfont.js"></script>
        <script src="snap.svg-min.js"></script>
        <script src="underscore-min.js"></script>
        <script src="sequence-diagram-min.js"></script>
        <script src="font-data.js"></script>
        <link href="sequence-diagram-min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

The body was simple too — a text area for editing the source and a DIV to take the generated SVG for the sequence diagram:

        <h1>Messaging Diagram Editor</h1>
        <div id="editor">
            <textarea id="source" rows="20" cols="50"></textarea>
        <div id="diagram"></div>

To make it a bit friendler to use, I put the notation for an example diagram in the text area. I also needed to add my own Javascript code to trigger generation of the diagram when the text content changed. So I ended up with this:

        <h1>Messaging Diagram Editor</h1>
        <div id="editor">
            <textarea id="source" rows="20" cols="50">
browser -> server: request
server -> server: process
participant database
note over server,database: add DB calls
server --> browser: response 
note left of browser: display to user
        <div id="diagram"></div>
        <script src="manage-input.js"></script>

The Javascript to manage this was straightforward and taken mostly “as is” from the documentation from the original code repo. The bare bones of the code looks like this:

function updateDiagram() {
    var diagram = document.getElementById("diagram");
    var options = {theme: 'hand'};
    var src = document.getElementById("source").value;

    var d = Diagram.parse(src);
    d.drawSVG('diagram', options);

I wrapped this in a try ... catch construct and added some code to allow me to flag parse errors in the text input by changing the colour of the editor area:

function updateDiagram() {
    var diagram = document.getElementById("diagram");
    var options = {theme: 'hand'};
    var editor = document.getElementById("editor");
    var src = document.getElementById("source").value;

    if (editor.classList.contains("parse-error")) {

    try {
        var d = Diagram.parse(src);
        if (diagram.children) {
            [...diagram.children].forEach(child => diagram.removeChild(child));
        d.drawSVG('diagram', options);
    } catch (e) {
        if ( !== "ParseError") {

I then added an event listener to call this function whenever the text input changed, and also made an initial call to generate the diagram based on the example sequence I pre-populated into the text area:

document.getElementById("source").addEventListener("input", updateDiagram);

Once I’d added some styling in, it looked like this:

The Web Application

And like this when the text input couldn’t be parsed:

Showing an Error

I also added a couple of other small things, like a download button to save the generated image, which I won’t go into here. If you are interested you can find the code in my github repo.

So, now I had an application, I needed somewhere to host it. I’d seen a load of people saying how great Netlify is, so I thought I’d try it out.

The Build Script

The first thing I needed was a build script to automatically create my site. This was such a simple build, that I thought I would just use bash for this.

First I needed to get clone the library which was providing all the diagramming capability:


git clone

That repo enabled me to use bower to grab all the dependencies I needed to include in my index.html:

bower install js-sequence-diagrams

Next I created a public directory and copied my files in there:

mkdir public
cp index.html public/
cp style.css public/
cp manage-input.js public/

And finally I copied the bower dependencies I’d pulled in, together with the fonts which had been included in the original repo:

cp bower_components/bower-webfontloader/webfont.js public/
cp bower_components/snap.svg/dist/snap.svg-min.js public/
cp bower_components/underscore/underscore-min.js public/
cp bower_components/js-sequence-diagrams/dist/sequence-diagram-min.js public/
cp bower_components/js-sequence-diagrams/dist/sequence-diagram-min.css public/
cp js-sequence-diagrams/fonts/daniel/danielbd.woff public/
cp js-sequence-diagrams/fonts/daniel/danielbd.woff2 public/

Now I had my site and a way to build it, I checked the whole lot into Github and turned my attention to Netlify.


I was really impressed with how easy Netlify is to use. A lot of thought seems to have gone into designing the workflow, and it clearly signposts what is needed. You begin by selecting the source for your new site:

Creating a New Site

Once you have selected the source for your site, you go through an authorisation process to give Netlify access to your repos. You can give access to everything, or just a subset of your repos (which is what I did here):

Selecting a Repo

Then finally, you need to set up the details for the build step. I just needed to set the command to execute my bash script, and specify the directory which would contain my web site — public as defined in my build script:

Setting up the Build

After clicking on Deploy site, the build process is run and you can see that your site has been published. Actually, you can see intermediate steps too, but I wasn’t fast enough to screengrab them.

Setting up the Build

You can also see a summary of the build:

Setting up the Build

And you can also look at the log from the build process — very useful if something went wrong:

Setting up the Build

So, now I have a deployed site and Netlify has generated a URL for it. In my case, this is This information was shown on the main deploy screen, and can also be seen in the settings screen (below). If I go to that URL, I can see my site is live there.

Setting up the Build

If I want to change that domain name to something meaningful, there are different options for me to apply a domain name. However, if I’m not worried that my URL is a subdomain of Netlify, I can just click on the Change site name button in the above settings panel and I get the following popup dialogue box which allows me to set up my own subdomain:

Setting up the Build

This is just scratching the surface of Netlify, and there are a lot of other possibilities. Without going into all these options, it’s worth mentioning a couple of basic capabilities which are immediately useful. The first is that I can set up environmental variables which I can then use in my build script. This is obviously useful to allow configuration changes without having to create new versions or new branches. It looks to be well-structured, for example team-wide variables can be set which can then be overridden on a site by site basis.

Setting up the Build

Snippet injection is another really useful capability, for example to allow you to add monitoring code to your site:

Setting up the Build


My first experience of Netlify has been extremely positive. I managed to go from having an idea, to having a site up a running in almost no time at all. The process was very intuitive and each step was clearly signposted. I can see why people are so enthusiastic about it.

The code from this example is available in my github repo and the app itself is running at